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There are many locks in the world for sure found protecting homes, businesses, and automobiles. So many in fact, that most of us have a lock within a few feet of us every minute of the day. If you don’t believe me, then maybe you will laugh to yourself a little the next time you go to unlock that cell phone that’s always with you. Even when you are driving your car or sitting at your work desk there is usually some type of lock nearby. In this article, I will give a quick overview of some of the most common types of locks that are used in companies, homes, and cars all the time.
Why not start out with the absolute most common type of lock. That would be keyed locks. They have been around since the birth of Christ and longer. They can be simple keyed locks that secure a bicycle chain or much more sophisticated keyed locks that protect a bank vault. There really is no limit to their uses. Although other types of locks are gaining in popularity, don’t expect keyed locks to go away anytime soon.
These are a favorite lock of most locksmiths. That’s because they are much sturdier than most types of door locks are. They are installed using reinforced plates and solid steel parts that make them very difficult to break or pry open. They are also harder to pick than conventional keyed locks. Deadbolt lock installers such as Burlington Locksmith Pro out of Burlington, NC recommend that everyone who has a home install these types of tough locks on every exterior door.
Convenient Electronic Type LocksFast gaining on keyed locks in popularity is electronic locking devices. This is because they offer so much more convenience than regular keyed locks do. They also free up those that install them from having to carry many heavy keychains around. Since they don’t have keyholes, they also cannot be picked as easily as more conventional types of locks. Soon you can expect electronic locks to become the most common types of locking devices that are found.
This may sound like an ultra-sophisticated type of lock that maybe only the military would use, but you in all probability use one of these locks every single day. They are commonly found on automobiles and used in conjunction with transponder keys. Transponder keys are the car keys that have an end with buttons on them that use a radio signal to have your car do such things as unlock its doors or turn on the car alarm.
Fingerprint Scanners/Retina Scanners
The future of locking devices is already here with the now-widespread use of biometric locking devices. They can already be found protecting such things as safes, mobile phones, and smart devices. Every person has a unique fingerprint or retina pattern and that’s what makes these types of locks so secure to use.